Fullstack Who Wants to Be a Millionaire Quiz with ReactJS

Who Wants to Be a Millionaire - Trivia Quiz

Table of Contents
To install and run the app locally, please follow these steps:
- Clone this repository to your local machine.
- Open the terminal and navigate to the project directory.
- Run
npm install
to install the necessary dependencies. - Run
npm start
to start the app on your local server. - Open your browser and navigate to
Once the app is running, you can start by entering your username and clicking on the “Start Game” button on the home page to start playing the game. You will be presented with a series of multiple-choice questions with four possible answers. You have to select the correct answer within a limited amount of time to advance to the next question.
If you answer all the questions correctly, you will become a millionaire!
You can try the app live on live Demo.

Technologies Used
This app was built with the following technologies:
- React.js
- JavaScript
If you would like to contribute to the project, please follow these steps:
- Fork this repository.
- Create a new branch with your changes:
git checkout -b my-feature-branch
. - Make changes and commit them:
git commit -m "my feature description"
. - Push to the branch:
git push origin my-feature-branch
. - Submit a pull request.
Source Code
To use this app, please view the source code via the link below.
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