Open Source Hotel App with Laravel

Open Source Hotel App with Laravel

Laravel Hotel

Laravel Hotel is an open-source web application built with laravel 8.0, enchanced with laravel websockets features to have realtime notification experience.

Its now compatible with laravel 9


  • Reservation Open Source Hotel App with Laravel

  • Dashboard Open Source Hotel App with Laravel

  • And more …


Init DB

  • Create DB Name: hotel_app or via terminal
mysql -u root -p

enter your db credential

create database hotel_app;

Init Commands:

cp .env.example .env // after that start filling credential at .env

composer install
npm install 
npm run dev
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
php artisan serv                => Terminal 1
php artisan websockets:serv     => Terminal 2   //run the websocket server for realtime notification

Development build

npm run dev

Production Build

// run this on your terminal to generate production build
npm run build



  • Customer’s Room:

    • Asks for room to be cleaned
      • Update room status
        • Auth id must be == room->customer->id
      • Send realtime notification to Admin
    • Order meals
      • Send realtime notification to Admin, and food
  • Room Facility:

    • Create
    • Read
      • Pagination
      • Search
    • Update
    • Delete
  • User Profile

    • View
    • User Activity Log
      • View:
        • Paginate
        • see all
    • User Settings
      • Edit Profile
      • Edit Password
  • Dashboard

    • Guests Chart
      • Get total customer / month
    • Income Chart for Super only
      • Get total income / month


  • Dashboard

    • Guests Chart
    • Guests on this day
  • Transaction

    • Payment
      • Create & Store Payment
      • Payment History
    • Room Reservation
      • Step:
        1. Choose Customer:
          • Create New Customer / Pick from existing Customer
        2. Input Form:
          • How many people
          • Date for Check In
          • Date for Check Out
        3. Pick Available Room:
          • Check unoccupied room between date Check in and Check out.
          • Room Capacity must be > than input how many people.
        4. Confirmation & Down Payment
          • Down Payment: 15% of total price
          • Payment must be equal or higher than Down Payment
        5. If the transaction Success:
          • Send Email notification to Super Role about transaction payment.
          • Send push notification to Super Role.
          • Update all dashboard view
  • CUSTOMER Management

    • Create Customer
    • Read Customer
      • Paginate
      • Search
    • Update Customer
    • Delete Customer
      • Cannot be deleted if the customer has transaction
    • Customer Detail
  • USER Management

    • Create User
    • Read User (Super, Admin)
      • Paginate
      • Search
    • Read User (Customer)
      • Paginate
      • Search
    • Update User
    • Delete User
      • Cannot be deleted if the User has transaction
    • User Detail
  • ROOM Management

    • Create Room
    • Read Room
      • Paginate
      • Search
    • Update Room
    • Delete Room
      • Cannot be deleted if the Room already connected in transaction
    • Room Detail

    • Create Room Type
    • Read Room Type
      • Paginate
      • Search
    • Update Room Type
    • Delete Room Type

    • Create Room Status
    • Read Room Status
      • Paginate
      • Search
    • Update Room Status
    • Delete Room Status


Open Source Hotel App with Laravel

Reservation Plot

  • Customer Register to Admin
  • Fill in customer’s identity (based on KTP)
    • Fill in by the Admin
  • Book a room (how much people? and when?)
    • Fill in by the Admin based on customers order
      • rooms are recommended by the system based on the input value.
  • Choose the room
    • Fill in by the Admin based on customers order
      • Choose based on room type, price, and facility.
  • Make a down payment
    • Fill in by the Admin based on minimum down payment (15% of total price)
  • Stay
  • Finish (Check Out) and pay the insufficient payment

Laravel License

The Laravel framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.

Source Code

To use this app, please view the source code via the link below.

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