Source Code Hospital Management with Laravel

Source Code Hospital Management with Laravel

Smart Hospitals (Hospital Management System)

This is a complete hospital managemnt system written in php(Laravel)

This has the following features

  • Patient Management
    • Patinet Registration (IN/OUT)
    • Get Patient Registration Card (Barcode Included)
    • Search Patient
    • Edit Pateint Details
    • Patient Profile
    • Treatment History
    • Mark as Inactive (Soft Delete)
  • Create Appointments
  • Check Patient
    • Write Diagnosis
    • Prescribe Medicines
    • Add Medical Data
  • Issue Medicines To Prescriptions
    • Keeps track of issued medicines
  • Multi Language Support
  • User Role Based Access Control
    • Admin
    • Doctor
    • Pharmacist
    • General Staff
  • Attendance Recording Of Users
    • Finger Print Attendance Recording System
  • Report Generation
    • Patient Report
    • Medicine Report
    • Attendance Report

Installation Guide

1)Install Composer In Your PC

2)Clone Or Download The Repository

3)Goto The Repository and Open a Terminal Enter Following Commands 
    composer install

4)Add the .env File(You Can Find It In The Internet)

5)Set the .env File with the relevant configuration

6)Execute the Following Command
    php artisan generate:key
    php artisan migrate
    php artisan serve
    php artisan db:seed

7)There are some accounts already created 
    pw    : 12345678

8)Enjoy !!!


Every Time You Pull The Repo Perform composer update (There will be added new dependencies to the project)

Every Time You Make A Change To The Database Do The Change In The Migrations(Not Directly To The Real Database)

Source Code

To use this app, please view the source code via the link below.

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