Open Source Gym Management with Laravel

Simple Gym System
The Simple Gym Management System In Laravel/MySQL is a mini project for keeping records of members in the gym. Talking about the project, it contains an admin side from where can manage all the timetables and records of the gym users easily.
The administration part consists of 4 types of managers who can enter the system
1- Admin
Admin will have access to everything in the system,he can see any links or make any action Gym Manager
and City Manager can do with these extra functionalities.
2- City Manager
City Manager can do what Gym Manager do with extra functionalities … like he can see all gyms in his city and
make CRUD on any gym or gym manager in his city.
3- Gym Managers
Gym Manager can CRUD training sessions and assign coaches to these sessions, also he can buy training
package for a user through stripe.
4- coach
Can only see the sessions in which he trains.
5- User
(It will be API only) :
Cann’t access the system because it is for the administration only, but there is an endpoint (API) for the user.
Each manager has Permissions that can be found in the following table
Databas Permissions
To run this project
Step 1
You must have installed virtual server i.e XAMPP on your PC (for Windows). This System in PHP with source code
is free to download, Use for educational purposes only! .
Step 2
Download the source code .
Step 3
Create database call gym
To help you understand the project databases, see the following ERF
DataBase ERD
Step 4
update composer by use a command $ composer update
Step 5
Run migration to create dababas tables use a command $ php artisan migrate
Step 6
Run data seed to create fake data in your database use a command $ php artisan db:seed
OR you can shorten the previous two steps (5 , 6) by using this command $ php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
- Now
Accounts have been created on the system, distributed as follows :
The first two accounts are foradmin
From 3 to 26 arecityManager
From 27 to 66 aregymManager
From 67 to 126 arecoach
From 127 to 226 areuser
All created accounts have a unified password123456
Step 7
To create a new admin account use a command
$ php artisan create:admin --email=admin2@admin.com --password=123456
Step 8
Run schedule use a command php artisan schedule:work
then use a command php artisan notify:users-not-logged-in-for-month
Mohamed Alabasy | Dina Reda | Mai Emad |
Hala Salah | Gehad | Mahmoud Nehro |
Source Code
To use this app, please view the source code via the link below.
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