Make Forum App with Laravel

Make Forum App with Laravel



This forum is an upgrade from the experimental forum I made a few months ago. This forum was made under contract, but the person who wanted the forum made decided to block me. It’s been locked away in my folder for some time now, but I don’t feel like running a forum. So here is the open source version of it. - Oh yes, the person wanted it made such that it resembles ogusers, it kinda does but I changed it around a little.

Might work on it from time to time, to fix minor bugs and glitches.

Best regards,

Features ✨

Forum comes with an list of features:

  • Discussions: Create, join, and manage discussions on a variety of topics.
  • User Profiles: Customize your profile, gain reputation points and badges.
  • Moderation Tools: Efficient tools to moderate and maintain the community standards.
  • Search: Quickly find relevant discussions and comments.
  • Imgur only avatars: Use avatars only from imgur. Security reasons.
  • IP-logging: Logging IP addresses.
  • Username history: Change and see old usernames.
  • Rep / Vouch history: View all given reps and vouches.
  • Previous used avatars: See and change to previous used avatars
  • Groups: Join a group or whatever.
  • Roles: Roles for users.
  • Upgradeable roles: Upgradeable users
  • And a lot more features

Installation 🔧

Follow these steps to install Forum X on your local machine:

  1. Clone this repository using git clone
  2. Navigate to the project folder with cd Forum-OGUsers
  3. Copy the .env.example file to create your own .env file: cp .env.example .env
  4. Configure your .env file according to your local environment
  5. Run composer install to install project dependencies
  6. Generate an application key using php artisan key:generate
  7. Run php artisan migrate --seed to set up the database
  8. Finally, start the server with php artisan serve

Your Forum instance should now be live at http://localhost:8000.

Usage 🚀

Simply visit http://localhost:8000 on your browser. Register a new account and check out the forum! or login with admin:admin.

Screenshots of the forum





Source Code

To use this app, please view the source code via the link below.

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