Build Cashier Restaurant with Laravel

Build Cashier Restaurant with Laravel

Project Welcome Page

Our Café

Repository Status

Our Café is a cashier project based on a simple restaurant management

📝 Table of Contents

🧐 User Role

Completed with 4 Users

  • Admin (managed Users)
  • Cashier/Kasir (managed transactions)
  • Manager/Manajer (managed menus and print transactions)
  • Customer/Pelanggan (buy menu)

💡 Flowchart

🏁 Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


What things you need to install the software and how to install them.

PHP >= 8.0.12


A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development env running.

Say what the step will be

git clone

composer install

composer update

cp .env.example .env

php artisan key:generate


modify .env file

php artisan migrate --seed

php artisan serve

open vendor\laravel\ui\auth-backend\AuthenticatesUsers.php

  1. change public function username() to return ‘username’ not ’email’
  2. add sintaks below to protected function authenticated()
    if (Auth::user()->role == 'admin') {
        return redirect('/admin/registration');
    } elseif (Auth::user()->role == 'kasir') {
        return redirect('/kasir/transaction');
    } elseif (Auth::user()->role == 'manajer') {
        return redirect('/manajer/dashboard');

The Reason cause file under vendor not able to pushed

open app\Http\Kernel.php add sintaks below in last lined of protected $routeMiddleware array 'admin' => \App\Http\Middleware\AdminMiddleware::class, 'kasir' => \App\Http\Middleware\KasirMiddleware::class, 'manajer' => \App\Http\Middleware\ManajerMiddleware::class, 'customer' => \App\Http\Middleware\CustomerMiddleware::class, idk but kernel.php with config Middleware after clone is gone maybe cause composer install?

!! 🍭 Please notice that pdf print is not available just with php artisan serve / but i use valet and it works

🎈 Usage

Login with Role Admin

  • Username = maccaa1
  • Password = pass

Login with Role Kasir

  • Username = maccaa2
  • Password = pass

Login with Role Manajer

  • Username = maccaa3
  • Password = pass

Login with Role Pelanggan/Customer (may you prefer to register)

  • Username = maccaa
  • Password = pass

🌸 Preview

⛏️ Built With

✍️ Authors

Source Code

To use this app, please view the source code via the link below.

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